Saturday, March 28, 2009


The Wide World of Andy Warhol just opened last week at the Grand Palais in Champs D'Elysses. As I expected, it was a fascinating show that concentrates upon his portraiture (particularly the 70's/early 80's/commissioned works). Also included are rare looks at tiny, color Polaroids, a 57 minute segment of the eight-hour film, Empire (projected upon a Palais stairwell) and some of his 'last' religious work. My personal favorite though, was the wall of looped Screen Tests (1963-1966) , continuously showing 3 minute sittings with each 'star/starlet'. These paradoxical works were haunting and enigmatic.

It's no suprise, of course, the exhibition concludes by leading viewers into the entrance of one of the Palais gift shops, chocked full of Warhol bric-a-brac; books, DVDs, magazine, magnets, postcards, etc. I am sure that would have appeased him greatly.

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