Monday, March 1, 2010


I recently completed some design work with RRock Enterprises and Greg 'Batman' Davis for his new website. Batman is one of the remaining founding member of the Crips and now spends as much time as possible doing lectures, speaking to at risk youth on the dangers of gangs, violence and crime. Needless to say, he has some pretty interesting stories...

Doing the logo for Batman was an interesting challenge; he wanted some sort of bat (cape, wings, etc) motif, a cane and/or a hat, and a teardrop. I tried to persuade him that I was going for some sort of SuperFly (Ed Benguiat)-inspired type. After a few rounds of pencil sketches, I think he was starting to dig it, so I cleaned it up and there it is...regardless, working with him was a memorable experience.

Note the abundant use of Cooper Black within the site and UPSO's stylized illustrations of Batman's actual gang signs...

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