Monday, June 8, 2009


I have heard many times, from those more accomplished and more experienced than myself, that it never hurts to do real, physical, ACTUAL 'press checks'. And although this doesn't constitute a press check quite yet, I am getting closer....

You may remember a few weeks ago when I was gloating about a nutty piece of film that I cut. Thankfully, I have since progressed on to the next stage; selecting and mixing the ink. Working hand-in-hand with a top-secret print shop, the master printer and press operators allowed me behind their closed doors to be more involved with the production. A few dozen quart-sized ink cans, chipboard scoops, mix sticks a postal scale (along with the chosen paper stock) were all exploited to generate a custom color formula....(I think the boys at House would be proud.)

Stay tuned...more information on the print will be released very soon.

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